Minimizing Ongoing Energy Expenditures & Your Capital Outlay
As part of our discovery process and most often during the assessment, we collect all necessary data to describe your baseline energy consumption, and then determine the available funding options.

After completing a site assessment, we will establish your baseline metrics and then provide you with a forecast of savings that will result from the proposed work. If you can't measure it, you can't manage it.
Applying for grants can be an arduous endeavor - and that's why we take care of the entire process. The types of projects, acceptable products, methods and requirements of execution, funding level, and the terms and conditions for conducting a given upgrade or activity of course varies dramatically based on a number of factors often including but not limited to facility type, baseline consumption, meter and zone category, utility payment history, and location.
Based on our assessment, we can determine what projects and programs are available to you. And design a solution that meets your needs and the program requirements. This is all part of our free consultation.
Our services include securing funding for the following projects:
Energy Management Systems
Demand Response (DR)
Electric Vehicles (EV)
Custom designed measures
Industrial and Process Efficiency
New Construction
Economic Revitalization

One of our most commonly utilized incentive sources is that of the SBC program fund. Organized by the Public Service Commission, chances are very good that we can utilize the program for you regardless of your location in New York State. Livingston has long established relationships with, are trade allies with, or are subcontractors in the programs for the following service territories:
Central Hudson Gas & Electric
Consolidated Edison (ConEd)
National Grid
New York State Electric & Gas (NYSEG)
Orange and Rockland Utilities, Inc.
Rochester Gas and Electric (RG&E)